clothes for belden
HAPPY bitrthday jingrui
wake up early today and go kallang meet kenneth, after that we go eunos meet freddy, john and Megan, hehe go tampines meet jingrui, lianyu and aaron, orh, my plan is successful, megan suddenly appear give jingrui a big big surprise, it just like a romatic drama..., haha, my present oso give him a shock, happy mah jingrui? after that we go PP meet lilian, jun and suying, decide to go k box but all the k box is fully booked, then we decided to go lianyu house and slack, haha, the silent movie is really funny hor? hahaha...
wake up early today and go kallang meet kenneth, after that we go eunos meet freddy, john and Megan, hehe go tampines meet jingrui, lianyu and aaron, orh, my plan is successful, megan suddenly appear give jingrui a big big surprise, it just like a romatic drama..., haha, my present oso give him a shock, happy mah jingrui? after that we go PP meet lilian, jun and suying, decide to go k box but all the k box is fully booked, then we decided to go lianyu house and slack, haha, the silent movie is really funny hor? hahaha...
stay over a night at my house
yesterday whole night never sleep, aaron, jingrui, kenneth, belden stay at my house, on all the air-condition and play poker(trai) haha, go Mac at midnight 1:00, swim in the morning today and sleep on the reclining chair for 1 hour, after that we play billiard from 10:00~12:00, aiyo, really happy these few days, but tmr is our death date, hope i can pass all the exam.
tmr is our party time
yoyo, play gunnound yesterday until 2:00, damn tired, but exam is over liao, play time is come, tmr is our party time, jingrui, kenneth and aaron ..... will come my house and stay over a night, haha, enjoy our party, yoyo, everybody come on.
aiport study trip 2
i think we all crzy liao, go airport again after the art exam, art sux, yesterday chiong art with jingrui, kenneth and aaron at my house, aih. yea today's airport is super fun, haha, geo exam tmr and maths thursday, i hope i can get A1, haha.
i finally wake up
i suddenly realised that i am so stupid, wtf, blind or wad, what the hell i will like that kind of bitch, mmd lah, everytime kpkp, go die and shut up ur asshole, i dun want to continue scold u coz u are not even worth a shit, u get lost, and disappear from my mind from today onwords i am not gonna to like that kind of bitch anymore, wahahaha... but i am sure u will regret, but when u realise, it is too late. u gonna miss me when i am gone.
Wake up very late today, coz play cs with jinrui yesterday until 1.30, haha, go kallang mac study with a lot of classmates and Violet(jr?), mrs koh(高丽明)(is it?)... we study until about 8.00 and after that go jingrui's house play cs... aih, this week very tired, everyday stay at school for remedial, the exam is going to end next week, haha, study hard , and pass all the exam with flying colours, haha, after the exam, i will play as crazy as i can, haha...
the litlle world
the world is just so samll, but when i just cannot meet her, lol, that is my fate, lol... at bedok library study with tianyu the whole afternoon, actually i play my ipod tocuh more than study, aih... now i need to go gym, bye ...
tmr got chinese eoy, hope everyone can get 100, haha, possible de lor, if u really work hard, hehe... morning today go tution with yongjie and xihai, ai, very bored leh, after that they go my house, we watch movie on my comp until 6 o'clock... after EOY i still want to watch de, hehe... i damn tired now, go revise my chinese, aih, must get 100 to show u all. (:
Take my hand tonight
Yo, jingrui, kennth, aaron come my hosue again, i teach them chinese leh, hehe, after that we felt very hungry then we ordered pizza hut dilevery, 1 hawii and 1 BBQ regulary pizza, and 6 small drumstick................................... very full now, cannot fall sleep, aih... playing pool lose to jingrui again, ai , sad T.T...
gooddddd night...
gooddddd night...
National library
gooooooooooooo national library with (jingrui, liangyu, lilian)(freddy, jun)(john, suying)(kenneth, huiting)(sheryl)(aaron)(hendy) many ppl lah! we studing chinese and maths. all work hard sia!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally english EOY exam is over.................. work hard for other subjects, gogogo...
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